Commentary Search

  • Year of the NCO; Tech. Sgt. Steven Martin

    Year of the NCO, noncommissioned officer. Series of posts chatting with NCO's, some award winning and some influential to daily operations. We can't thank our NCO's enough!!

  • Year of the NCO; Master Sgt. Amanda Robles

    Year of the NCO, noncommissioned officer. Series of posts chatting with NCO's, some award winning and some influential to daily operations. We can't thank our NCO's enough!!

  • Year of the NCO; Master Sgt. Samuel Durbin

    Year of the NCO, noncommissioned officer. Series of posts chatting with NCO's, some award winning and some influential to daily operations. We can't thank our NCO's enough!!

  • Year of the NCO; Master Sgt. Jennifer Mendoza

    Year of the NCO, noncommissioned officer. Series of posts chatting with NCO's, some award winning and some influential to daily operations. We can't thank our NCO's enough!!

  • The Beauty of Diversity

    “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” -Mahatma GhandiAs a nation, I think we can all agree that we don’t always agree. But does that make us less human or more? Does it make our society stronger or weaker? Does it grow our influence or shrink

  • Resiliency during COVID-19

    The novel coronavirus is creating stress and disruption in many lives through worries about health, changes in work, guidance for social distancing and lack of childcare. These stressors have the possibility to wreak havoc on one’s mental health. Luckily, there are many healthy ways to successfully

  • Tips for Teleworking Success

    With COVID-19 spreading rapidly, many folks around base are being asked to telework a few days a week to reduce the amount of people on base. Here are some tips to improve your productivity and make working from home feel like, well, a home office.