Frequently Asked Questions

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Expand List item 1728Collapse List item 1728  Contact numbers for the Command Section and 932nd Groups:

932nd Wing Commander and Executive area:  (618-229-7000)

932nd Operations Group Commander:   (618-229-7100)

932nd Medical Group  Commander:   (618-229-7200)

932nd Maintenance Group Commander:  (618-256-6047)

932nd Mission Support Group Interim Commander:   (618-229-7300)

Expand List item 1953Collapse List item 1953  Help numbers

Daily Monday through Friday (non crisis) at 932nd Airlift Wing with Yolanda Gunzel:  618-229-7492

VETERANS CRISIS LINE:  1-800-273-8255

MILITARY ONE SOURCE:  1-800-342-9647

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  1-800-273-8255

Chaplain at Scott AFB:  618-256-3303

Military Family Life Consultants:  618-256-3303

Our videos focusing on resiliency and getting through challenges:  

NURSE overcomes stress:


Command Chief makes it through tough challenges:


CHIEF WAGNER deals with loss and recovery:

Expand List item 2135Collapse List item 2135  

Where can I see more information and feature 932nd VIDEOS?

Expand List item 2183Collapse List item 2183  

How do I get the "Mobile App" for 932nd Airlift Wing newspages?

The 932nd AW application, which can be found on Air Force Connect under both the Apple and Google Play Android stores for phones, has several important functions. Primarily, it takes advantage of an untapped handheld news communication capability with official news, bios, and ush notifications: This allows the commander to send important notifications about last minute weather delays, gate closures, and late breaking news. It offers interesting content: Updated news page stories, video and PA photos can easily be seen at any time, anywhere, which saves money and environment by not printing paper, VHS tapes or CDs.  Check out the Category of Events: This feature shows all the base calendars, drill UTA weekends and parade events for 932nd AW members to participate in extra events. Social media integration allows social media accounts to be integrated directly into the app in a user-friendly format. Airmen can access local content by adding their unit as a “Favorite” within the Air Force Connect app. NOTE: Be sure to accept "push notifications" to get those special messages from time to time. The Air Force Connect app and all sub-apps offer a variety of features designed to engage Airmen and reduce reliance on traditional computers to access career and other personnel resources. Popular features include Phone Directory, Checklists, Polling, Events, PFT Calculator, Air Force Guidebooks, Protocol, AFI's and Notifications. 

Expand List item 1010Collapse List item 1010  Aircraft
What aircraft does the 932nd Airlift Wing fly?

The 932nd Airlift Wing currently flies C-40C. These planes are maintained at Scott Air Force Base, Ill. They are used for distinguished visitor missions.
Expand List item 1011Collapse List item 1011  Basic Training
Where is basic training and what should I expect?

If you are joining the 932nd Airlift Wing, you will need to attend "basic" military training. This is where you learn what it means to be an "Airman". Basic military training is an exciting, demanding, and rewarding experience. It is located at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Tx.

The best thing you can do to be ready is to prepare yourself in advance. Getting an early start on physical conditioning is among the most important steps you can take to be successful. You'll also want to ensure you pack properly and bring the right things. Your recruiter will help you get get the list of items to bring. Ready to join the Air Force Reserve Command? Call 1-800-257-1212.
Expand List item 1012Collapse List item 1012  ESGR  -- Call ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590

What does ESGR stand for and what does it mean to Reservists and civilian employers?

ESGR stands for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve they have national call center.  Call ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590.  Here are some ESGR tips for Military Members from the ESGR webpage:

Tips for National Guard and Reserve Members: Avoiding Job Conflicts

Most employment conflicts can be avoided by being candid with your employer about your obligations as a member of one of the Reserve components. Don't take your employer's support for granted. Keep your boss informed about what you do in the military and when you do it. Let your boss know the vital mission that is supported by your participation in the National Guard or Reserve. Let your boss know how your military experience and training will make you a more capable civilian employee. Take time to recognize the sacrifice your boss and co-workers make when they support you. Here's a summary of advice from ESGR on how to keep the boss on your side:

Talk to your boss. No matter what your military assignment or specialty, tell your employer about it. Many people hold down military jobs that relate directly to their civilian careers. If yours is one of them, your boss would be pleased to know that you are learning and practicing military skills that can pay off on the job. Even if what you do in the military is different from your civilian job, sharing the details can impress your boss. You are using your spare time to participate in a second career that is of great importance to your community and the nation. That is a strong indication to people at work that you are the type of person who seeks out-and can handle-serious responsibility.

Federal Law. Experience has shown that members of the National Guard and Reserve, as well as their employers, do not always have a clear understanding about employment and reemployment rights for Reserve component members. Federal law guarantees the right to take time off from work to attend to your military responsibilities. The more that you, your boss, and your personnel office know about the federal laws and legal precedents that spell out Reserve reemployment rights, rules and obligations protected by the laws, the less chance there is for misunderstanding. Basically, USERRA provides that an employer must give you time off to perform military service and reemploy you following the service with status, seniority and rate of pay as though you never left. The employer cannot discriminate against you because of your military connection. This protection applies to employees who are full-time, part-time, or probationary, so long as the employment is not brief, non-recurring, and not expected to continue for a significant period. The details of USERRA's provisions are discussed in some detail in preceding pages.

Drill Schedules. Don't make your boss guess about your National Guard or Reserve duties. The more you share with the boss - and the earlier you share it the better - about drill schedules, annual training plans, reemployment rights and rules, and any extra time-off requirements, the easier things will go. Many units meet on the same weekend of each month, with exceptions for holidays or when scheduled annual training intervenes. If your unit follows this pattern, let your employer know. Remember, you must give your employer advance notice of any military service, including drills. Let your boss know as early as possible when you will be absent from work. When schedule changes occur, notify the employer as soon as you know about them.

Annual Training Schedules. The same rules apply for Annual Training (AT). Most units schedule their AT months in advance - that is the time to provide notification to the employer. A change in orders can be more easily handled than an unplanned absence. If you are going to be on an advance party, or if your AT will exceed the traditional two weeks, make sure your employer knows about it well in advance.

Extra training. When you or your unit needs additional training, or you are scheduled to attend a service school, let the boss know about it. Giving employers the maximum lead-time enables them to make plans to accommodate your absence. To the extent that you have control over the scheduling of additional training, try to minimize any adverse impact your absence will cause from the civilian job. Show consideration for your boss and your co-workers when you volunteer for nonessential training. Talk with ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590.

Non-Training Active Duty. Many Reserve component members perform tours of active duty that are not for training. This can range from short active duty tours, to support exercises or work on special projects, to years of active duty in the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) or similar programs. Again, under USERRA, prior notice of this type of duty must be given to your employer. Remember too, that most duty of this type is subject to a cumulative 5-year time limit after which you no longer have reemployment rights under USERRA with a given employer.

Emergency/contingency duty. Many Reserve component members have served on active duty in support of such operations as the Persian Gulf conflict. In any case, when you have been activated involuntarily for a particular mission, your period of service will not count against the cumulative 5-year limit established under USERRA. In most cases, voluntary duty will also be exempt from the 5-year limit if it is in direct support of a contingency operation.

Scheduling. If you miss work while you perform military service, your employer is not obligated to reschedule you to make up the time lost. However, if employees who miss work for nonmilitary reasons are afforded opportunities to make up the time lost, you must be treated in the same manner. Further, you cannot be required to find a replacement worker for the shift(s) you will miss as a condition of being given the time off by your employer to perform military service. Call ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590 to clarify your situation.

Vacation. Federal law allows you the option to use earned vacation while performing military service, but you cannot be required to do so. The only case where you could be required to use your vacation would be if your company has a planned shutdown period when everyone must take vacation, and your military service coincides with that period of time.

Vacation Accrual. Your employer is not required to provide for vacation accrual while you are absent from work performing military service, unless accrual is permitted for employees on nonmilitary leave of absence of similar length.

Pay. Although some private and many government employers provide full or partial civilian pay to employees absent on military duty-usually for a limited period of time-the law requires only an unpaid leave of absence.

Federal Employee Paid Military Leave. Federal employees are entitled to time off at full pay for certain types of active or inactive duty in the National Guard or as a Reserve of the Armed Forces. More information is available from the Office of Personnel Management site at:

National Guard and Reserve Members that are Students. Currently, federal law does not guarantee equal rights and protections across the country to members of the National Guard and Reserve who are enrolled in schools, colleges and universities. Student members of the National Guard and Reserve are not guaranteed refunds of tuition and fees paid for the term they cannot complete. There are no provisions for partial course credit, or the right to return to the college or university upon completion of active service. However, help is on the way. The Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) organization is prepared to intercede for members experiencing problems, such as loss of credit in school courses due to call-up.

If a student called to active duty is experiencing problems related to course credit, tuition, fees or re-enrollment in a program of study, he/she can call, toll free, 1-800-368-5622, or write to: Service members Opportunity Colleges, 1 DuPont Circle, NW, Suite 680, Washington, DC 20036. A representative from SOC will work with the student soldier and the institution involved to resolve the issue. Unit commanders with members experiencing such problems are urged to make every effort to ensure these members know this help is available.  Call ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590. 

Reward the Boss for Supporting Your Service. The Department of Defense will send your boss - through your unit commander - a personally prepared certificate of appreciation if you, the National Guard or Reserve member, just apply for it. The certificate comes mounted in a handsome folder, bearing the DoD seal embossed in gold. Take time to do your best to "brag" about your boss. The stronger your boss's support (as shown in the application), the greater the likelihood that he or she will also receive a higher award. Each ESGR Committee (one in each state, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) presents plaques to their six most supportive employers each year. The ESGR National Headquarters sponsors the prestigious PRO PATRIA award, presented each year by each ESGR Committee to their single most supportive employer. The Secretary of Defense presents the highest awards, the Employer Support Freedom Award, to the most outstanding employers for the year-one national winner and four regional semifinalists. Applications can be obtained from the ESGR web site, or by calling ESGR directly, 1-800-336-4590.

Take advantage of unit and ESGR programs and services to help you explain to your employer the vital role of the National Guard and Reserve in the National Military Strategy (see the Programs area of the ESGR Web site.)

Inform your employer and your community about the impact of the military on the local economy.

Be active in the community. Make the unit a live, vital element in the community. Cooperate in community affairs and work on supportive projects whenever possible within the military mission and you will see increased employer and community support.

Call ESGR directly at 1-800-336-4590.

Expand List item 1013Collapse List item 1013  Family Support
How do I contact the Airman and Family Readiness Center?

The Airman and Family Readiness Center is available for all members, including those who are deploying. The toll-free number to the center is 1-877-875-9886. After duty hours the number is 618-407-2203.

Here are links recommended by them: (Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library) (Deployment resources) - Supporting Our Troops by Helping the Families They Leave Behind.
Expand List item 1014Collapse List item 1014  Joining the 932nd Airlift Wing
How do I join the Air Force Reserve?

Contact our recruiting office at 1-800-257-1212.
Expand List item 1015Collapse List item 1015  New job categories at the 932nd AW?
What is the newest hot job opening at the wing?

Flight Attendant positions are available at Scott for traditional reservists and Air Reserve Technicians.

Requirements for the job:

- Will be a flight attendant for DV airlift in C-40C planes.
- Must qualify for a Top Secret clearance.
- Must be available to fly a 10 day trip every three months and be within the Air Force weight standards.
- Must pass a board interview process and meet flight physical requirements as a flying crew member.

Another newer type job is cyber security.  See an Air Force Reserve recruiter for more information on these and all other positions that may be open by calling 1-800-257-1212.

Expand List item 1016Collapse List item 1016  Song of the Air Force

What are the words to the "Air Force Song"?

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun;
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun now!)
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one helluva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

Additional verses:

Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,
Sent it high into the blue;
Hands of men blasted the world asunder;
How they lived God only knew! (God only knew then!)
Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer
Gave us wings, ever to soar!
With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

Bridge: "A Toast to the Host"

Here's a toast to the host
Of those who love the vastness of the sky,
To a friend we send a message of his brother men who fly.
We drink to those who gave their all of old,
Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.
A toast to the host of men we boast, the U.S. Air Force!


Off we go into the wild sky yonder,
Keep the wings level and true;
If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder
Keep the nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!)
Flying men, guarding the nation's border,
We'll be there, followed by more!
In echelon we carry on. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!


Expand List item 1018Collapse List item 1018  Voting ABSENTEE
How do I vote absentee if I know I will be gone during the voting season?

For information about voting absentee ballot, visit the U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program website.

The majority of reservists serving with the 932nd Airlift Wing, Scott Air Force Base, Ill., are Illinois residents who can access Illinois-specific information at the 932nd Airlift Wing voting page.

Residents of other states can check their specific information on the DoD Federal Voting Assistance Website.

The entire booklet is located online here:

To date, 51 states and territories allow for some type of electronic transmission of absentee voting materials for UOCAVA citizens. The provisions and guidelines for transmitting election materials electronically are identified in each state and territory section of the 2008-09 Voting Assistance Guide (the Guide is available in hardcopy format or online at the FVAP Website To maintain the integrity of the process, citizens should follow the instructions provided in Appendix B of the Guide.

An ETS transmission sheet, which can be duplicated for repeat use, is provided on page 433.

In addition to Appendix B the following guidance is provided for those citizens whose state allows electronic transmission:

- A citizen should provide a Commercial return phone and fax number (not DSN
numbers) and an email address. Email has proven to be an effective means of communication between the local election official and the citizen.

- The fax number should include country & city codes and be listed as it would be dialed from the U.S.

- In the "Remarks" section of the FPCA, provide additional information that may assist the local election official in determining your eligibility to vote. For example, a maiden name (or name used in previous registration). An alternate telephone number of a local contact can be listed in this section in the event the local election official has difficulty contacting you through the numbers provided on the form.

- Ensure the correct local election official (county, city or town office) is specified.

- Each request must have a separate completed cover sheet.

- Only one Federal Post Card application (FPCA) or ballot should be transmitted at a time whether by fax or email. (Use separate transmissions.)

- Originals should be mailed after electronic transmission.

- When faxing election materials, we recommend use of the FVAP ETS at DSN
(military) 223-5527, (703) 693-5527 or toll-free 1-800-368-8683. Refer to Appendix B of the Guide for emailing instructions.

- If a state or territory allows electronic transmission of the voted ballot, the voter must sign a statement waiving his or her right to secrecy.

Voting Residency Guidelines for UOCAVA Citizens

During the course of an election year, the Federal Voting Assistance Program
(FVAP) receives numerous queries from citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) regarding their state of residence for voting purposes. While the issue of voting residency can be complex, the following are general guidelines for helping members of the Uniformed Services, the merchant marine and their family members and civilian citizens residing outside the U.S. determine their state of legal residence for voting purposes.

Uniformed Services & Family Members

Foremost, you should keep in mind that Uniformed Service personnel and their family members may not arbitrarily choose which state to declare as their legal voting residence without meeting the state's residency requirement.

The following are basic guidelines to follow in determining residency for military personnel and their family members:

- One must have or have had physical presence in the state and simultaneously the intent to remain or make the state his/her home or domicile.

- One may only have one legal residence at a time, but may change residency each time he or she is transferred to a new location. One must make a conscious decision to change residency; it cannot be done arbitrarily.

There must be certain specific actions which may be interpreted as conscious decisions, e.g., registering to vote, registering a car, qualifying for in-state tuition, obtaining a driver's license, etc.

- Once residence is changed, a person may not revert to the previous residence without re-establishing new physical presence and intent to remain or return.

"Home of Record" should not be confused with legal residence. "Home of Record" is the address a military member had upon entry into the Service.

It does not change. "Home of Record" and legal residence may be the same address, and usually are, when a person enters military service. It can remain so even though the person or his/her relatives no longer live at that location, as long as the military member has not established a legal residence elsewhere after entering active duty. If a military member changes legal residence after entering active duty, he/she may not revert to claiming the "Home of Record" as legal residence without re-establishing physical presence and intent to remain in or return to that state.

Family members of active duty military personnel may each have a different legal residence. A spouse does not automatically assume the legal residence of the active duty member upon marriage. The spouse must meet the physical presence and intent to remain or return criteria. Minors typically assume the legal residence of either parent when they become 18. They also have the option of establishing their own legal residence which can be different from either parent, assuming they have met the guidelines of physical presence and intent to remain or return.

These are general guidelines for determining legal residency for voting purposes. Citizens should consult their legal or JAG officer for specifics.

Overseas Civilian Citizens

The following are voting residency guidelines for citizens residing outside the U.S. The "legal state of residence" for voting purposes is the state in which the citizen last resided immediately prior to his or her departure from the U.S. This right extends to overseas citizens even though they may no longer own property or have other ties to their last state of residence and their intent to return to that state may be uncertain.

Keep in mind that exercising one's right to vote in elections for Federal offices only does not affect the determination of residence or domicile for purposes of any tax imposed under Federal, state or local law. Voting in an election for Federal office only may not be used as the sole basis to determine residency for the purposes of imposing state and local taxes. If you claim a particular state as your residence and have other ties with that state in addition to voting, then you may be liable for state and local taxation, depending upon that particular state law.

Voting Assistance Officers at Embassies/Consulates will assist overseas U.S.
citizens in obtaining and completing Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) requests for registration and absentee ballots; witnessing or notarizing FPCA forms (if required); and, providing other absentee voting information as needed.

Embassy/Consulate locations may serve also as postage-free mailing points for FPCA forms and other election materials to be mailed back to your local voting jurisdiction in the U.S. where absentee registration and ballot requests are actually processed. Organizations of American citizens overseas such as Democrats Abroad, Republicans Abroad, etc., and overseas corporations have the voting materials necessary to assist citizens in requesting registration and ballots.

Always, when completing the FPCA, be sure to consult the appropriate state section in Chapter Three of the Guide and complete the residence section of the form by entering the complete street address of your last residence in that state, including your street or rural route and number. If using a rural route number, include specific information on the location of residence. Your right to vote in your state and determination of voting precinct depend on your physical residence while you were within that state.

Additional information on residency is provided in Chapter Two of the Guide.

February Primaries - It's a busy month

Alabama 02/05 (P)

Arizona 02/05 (P)

Arkansas 02/05 (P)

California 02/05 (P)

Connecticut 02/05 (P)

Delaware 02/05 (P)

Georgia 02/05 (P)

Illinois 02/05 (P, S)

Massachusetts 02/05 (P)

Missouri 02/05 (P)

New Jersey 02/05 (P)

New Mexico 02/05 (DEM-P)

New York 02/05 (P)

Oklahoma 02/05 (P)

Tennessee 02/05 (P)

Utah 02/05 (P)

Louisiana 02/09 (P)

District of Columbia 02/12 (P)

Maryland 02/12 (P, S)

Virginia 02/12 (P)

Washington 02/19 (P)

Wisconsin 02/19 (P)

NOTE: The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Federal Government, United States Department of Defense or the Federal Voting Assistance Program of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein. The Federal Voting Assistance Program does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.
Expand List item 1019Collapse List item 1019  What is Customer Service phone number?
What is the 932nd Airlift Wing Customer Service?

Customer Support can be contacted at 618-229-7531.