Second Lieutenant 

  Sept 1994


 First Lieutenant 




  June 1998



   August 2004


 Lieutenant Colonel

    June 2011



    June 2024




Col Robert Garner is the Commander of the 932d Medical Group.  As Commander of the Medical Group he is responsible for leading, training, and deploying more than 350 medics around the world from the 932nd Aeromedical Staging Squadron and the 932nd Medical Squadrons. He also ensures the 932nd Airlift Wing's 1100 members are medically qualified for worldwide deployment with services from the 932nd Aerospace Medicine Squadron.

Col Garner entered a direct commission in September 1994 while in medical school and attended Commissioned Officer Training at Maxwell AFB, AL July 1995.  He completed his Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine in June 1998 at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine (OUCOM) in Athens, Ohio.  Col Garner completed active duty tours at Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland AFB, TX in July 1996, Wright-Patterson AFB (WPAFB) Medical Center in Ohio in July 1997 and Scott AFB Medical Center in Illinois in September 1997.  Upon graduation from OUCOM, he was assigned to Scott AFB Medical Center in July 1998 for enrollment in the USAF Family Medicine Residency Program.  His next duty assignment was to Erhling-Berquist Medical Center in August 2001 at Offutt AFB, Nebraska as a family health physician in the Primary Care Clinic and osteopathic residency liaison to the Family Medicine Residency Program within the same facility.  In October 2003, Col Garner was a staff family medicine residency faculty member at David-Grant Medical Center and an affiliate faculty member to University California, where he served as the endoscopy coordinator for Clinical and Surgical Services.  In September 2005 he separated from active duty and served as a Family Physician and Chief of the Medical Staff as an Individual Mobility Augmentee (IMA) in the Ready Reserves at Scott AFB.  Prior to accepting his current role, Col Garner was the Commander, 932d Aeromedical Squadron, Scott AFB.  

Col Garner was deployed to Iraq from February through July of 2003 in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and subsequently IRAQI FREEDOM.  He received the Air Force Commendation Medal for serving as the Flight Surgeon Augmentee to the Residency in Aerospace Medicine (RAM) while attending combat casualty treatments and evacuations in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Iraq.


1994 Bachelor of Arts in Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1998 Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, Ohio


  1. June-July 1995, Student, Commissioned Officer Training, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL
  2. July 1995–June 1998, Medical Student Externship, Willford Hall, Lackland AFB, TX, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Scott Medical Center, Scott AFB, IL
  3.  July 1998-June 2001, Family Medicine Resident, Scott Medical Center, Scott AFB, IL 
  4. July 2001-Sep 2003, Staff Family Medicine Doctor, Erhling-Berquist Hospital, Offutt AFB, NE
  5. Sep 2003-Sep 2005, Faculty Family Medicine Attending, David-Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA
  6. Oct 2005-June 2015, IMA Participating Reservist, Scott Medical Center, Scott AFB, IL
  7. July 2015-April 2021, Family Physician, Flight Surgeon, Chief of the Medical Staff, 932 AMDS, Scott AFB, IL
  8. May 2021 – May 2024, Commander, 932 AMDS, Scott AFB, IL
  9. June 2024 – Present, Commander, 932 MDG, Scott AFB, IL


Meritorious Service Medal 
Air and Space Force Commendation Medal one oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal
AF Outstanding Unit Award one oak leaf clusters
Iraq Campaign Medal with one oak leaf clusters
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
AF Expeditionary Service Ribbon