Running clinic update

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The October 19th Running Clinic Registration is OPEN

This is a hands-on class to help you improve your time for the 1.5 mile run. This session will begin 19 October 2020 at the James Gym Track for the pre-test.  Throughout this 8-week class, you will build up speed, endurance, and knowledge on how to properly improve your running time.

MONDAYS: We will meet at the Parade Field for distance intervals.

WEDNESDAYS: We will meet at the James Gym Track for speed training.

THURSDAYS:  We will meet at Warrior Park parking lot across the street from Fire station one for endurance training.

By registering for this program, you have committed to participating in all clinic sessions. This program is what you make of it.  Those who attend and push themselves are the ones that will see improvement.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: We expect you to follow through with attendance and dedication to the program. If you are going to be absent from a class, you NEED to contact one of your group leaders or the Health Promotion staff via email in advance or within 24 hours (in case of sick kids, last minute meetings, etc.) We can send progress/attendance to UFPM/Supervisors/First Sergeants upon request. We will contact leadership in the event we notice a pattern of continued absence without notification within 24 hours.  After 8 absences, you forfeit your right to participate in the clinic and your leadership will be notified.

INCLEMENT WEATHER:  We will not meet outside if it is storming (lightning/thunder/icy conditions); however, we NEVER cancel the clinic in event of inclimate weather we will still have the clinic.  We will meet at the James Gym for Circuit Training on the basketball court. Please ensure you dress appropriately.  A wind chill of 15 or below will move the clinic indoors.  WE WILL POST THESE NOTIFICATIONS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.  Like our page at As well as email them to your work and personal emails!

SAFETY:  If at any time during a run you feel lightheaded, dizzy, injured, etc. STOP AND LET US KNOW!  We want you to do your best, but not to the point of injury. Please know your limitations and use good judgment to prevent injury or illness. Also, it is STRONGLY encouraged to bring water, sunglasses, and head coverage/sunscreen.  Group leaders reserve the right to dismiss you from the clinic if we do not think you are adequately prepared; i.e. hydrated, fed, or dressed to run.  You will not get results if your body is not prepared to work.

UNIFORM: Air Force PT gear is not required.  Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather. 

Feel free to ask us any questions throughout the program! We are here to help you and hope everyone comes out of this program with a faster 1.5 mile run time and a more efficient approach to training for your run.


Health Promotion main line 256-7139