Innovation and ideas wanted

  • Published
  • By STEPHANIE BOEHNING, Process Manager
  • 932nd Airlift Wing

For the past two years, the 932 AW has been given $82,000 of Squadron Innovation Funds to spend on the most innovative ideas we can come up with to help increase readiness and lethality.  There are definitely many things we could purchase to improve our wing, right?

What are YOUR ideas?  What do you think we need to improve our wing?  What would you like to see us make available?    Is there some software you think would help?  Some type of training kit or equipment?  What would make it easier for you to learn/do your job?  Give us your ideas, please!   Don’t be limited by money – share your thoughts with us.  

To put in your ideas, simply click on the following link (you can also go to the home EIM page and click on “Innovative Ideas”.

Click on New Item and input your info. You can attach files, too. If you think it would take too long to enter your info, please give me a call at 229-7006 and we'll discuss. 

Once you enter an idea, I will contact you for further details and see if we can make it happen.  In the past, the money has become available in December and we are required to spend it by August.  Hopefully starting now will allow us to make that happen.  


932 AW MISSION:  Generate unrivaled, combat-ready Citizen Airmen

TAGLINE:  The Gateway Wing

MOTTO:  Vincere Docta