Service to America before self

Patriotism and service to country are part of becoming an American Airman. These moments in life are special when a person raises their right hand and agrees to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Here, 932nd Airlift Wing Chief of Public Affairs, Lt. Col. Stan Paregien stands by the American flag during the oath of enlistment for Amanda Acerra, who enlisted into the United States Air Force Reserve at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. The ceremony took place Jan 9, 2018, in the 932nd Airlift Wing headquarters, and was facilitated by recruiter Tech. Sgt. Nikki Seibel, seen here witnessing the event. (U.S. Air Force photo by Christopher Parr)

PHOTO BY: Christopher Parr
VIRIN: 180109-F-IB640-160.JPG
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