SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Today we spotlight Staff Sgt. Ashley Andrews, 932nd Medical Squadron, mental health technician.
932AW: In just a few words what is an NCO?
AA: I believe a NCO to be a leader; one that is professional, proficient, cares about the welfare and development of his/her Airmen, and is committed to accomplishing the mission.
932AW: In your words, what are some responsibilities of an NCO?
AA: Some responsibilities of a NCO are leading activities, performing corrective actions, providing guidance and support, ensuring that Airmen are trained and proficient in their AFSC, and passing along tips/tricks of the trade.
932AW: What changed from being an Airman to becoming an NCO?
AA: The biggest change, when becoming a NCO, was just stepping into a leadership role. Not long after I was promoted, my Platoon Sergeant (Army National Guard) became ill; his absence placed me in charge of our platoon. This was a position that the Unit didn't typically have an E-5 doing and it would not have been an opportunity for me had I not had NCOs that took the time to help develop and guide me.
932AW: What do you think it takes to become an NCO?
AA: To become a NCO, I believe you should have discipline, adhere to and/or exceed the standard, and are capable of effectively communicating.
932AW: What advice would you offer Airman?
AA: Keep a copy of all military documents!!!! Seek guidance, if you have questions ask. If you have suggestions, tips, and/or a more efficient way of completing a task, remember customs/courtesies and speak with your leadership about it. Follow-up emails are a necessity.
932AW: Do you have a mentor or anyone that helped you in career to becoming an NCO?
AA: I don't currently have a specific mentor. I do, however, have those that I can call on when needed.
932AW: Anything you would like to add?
AA: "The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket" - Will Rogers
We thank you Staff Sgt. Andrews and appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience with us!