COVID-19 HPCON Downgraded to Alpha, Wearing of Masks Not Required

  • Published
  • 932nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Team 932nd Airlift Wing: Per the guidance from Scott AFB, here are the latest guidance memos for mask wear and the health protection (HPCON) status for the installation as of March 1, 2022.

Updated Guidance for Mask and Screening Testing for all DOD installations 
Scott AFB HPCON Alpha Implementation and Mask Guidance 

Here are a few highlights:  
a. HPCON A status has been declared due to the current low “COVID-19 Community Level” status in St. Clair County.
b. No masks are required for DOD personnel or visitors in or on DOD facilities regardless of vaccination status, with the exception of with the exception of DOD medical facilities, where CDC mandatory mask requirements still apply.  Individuals may choose to wear a mask regardless of the COVID-19 Community Level.
c. Commanders are authorized to allow up to 100 percent workplace occupancy, and should consult with Civilian Personnel for the civilian workforce return to work implementation.
All other force protection guidance remains in effect as outlined in the attached memos. Those with any questions or concerns should consult with their supervisors.