Scott Air Force Base, Ill. -- Col. Christopher Spinelli, 932nd Medical Group commander, passes the 932nd Medical Squadron guidon to Col. Sean Glasgow, incoming 932nd Medical Squadron commander, during the assumption of command ceremony August 7, 2021 at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Glasgow joins the 932nd AW from the Scott AFB Medical Center, where he served in the Ready Reserves as an individual mobilization augmentee.
Col. Christopher Spinelli, 932nd Medical Group commander, passes the 932nd Medicine Squadron guidon to Lt. Col. Robert Garner, incoming 932nd Medicine Squadron commander, during the assumption of command ceremony August 7, 2021 at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Garner joins the 932nd AW from the U.S. Air Force Center for Sustainment of Trama and Resucitation Skills, where he served as a senior cadre member.