SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- When retirement approaches, some choose to have a ceremony and some like to fade into the wind.
For two sergeants in the 932nd Force Support Squadron, they got something special in between a ceremony and a farewell handshake.
Chief Master Sgt. Barbara Gilmore, 932nd Airlift Wing command chief, upon hearing two long standing members of the 932nd FSS were retiring during the November unit training assembly weekend, decided she wanted to thank them for their service and dedication. She presented each with a 932nd Airlift Wing coin and a few words of gratitude.
For Master Sgt. Jeffery Holmes and Staff Sgt. Germaine Yancy it was an unexpected surprise during their last drill weekend.
Holmes and Yancy have a combined total of 54.5 years of military service. A mixture of active duty and Reserve with Yancy having served in the Marines, Navy, Illinois Army National Guard and the Air Force Reserve.
“I look forward to more time with family and friends and especially being there for the birthdays,” said Holmes about what he plans to do with his free time.
“This coin is a symbol of my time spent in the various military branches and my service as a whole,” said Yancy.
Both NCOs had advice for those following in their footsteps.
Holmes wants the younger generation to enjoy their time and be sure to enjoy what they are doing while serving in the military.
Yancy added that they need to listen to their leadership.