Green Dot training held

At far right, the 932nd Airlift Wing commander, Col. Esteban Ramirez, speaks to a full class of Airmen at the Green Dot Training Course held in the base clinic. Green Dot is a program that prepares organizations to implement a strategy of violence prevention that reduces power-based interpersonal violence, which includes not only sexual violence, but also domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, child abuse, elder abuse, and bullying. The 932nd Airlift Wing course was taught by Capt. Eva Leven and Capt. Rachael Dompke, (standing from left to right), on June 11, 2017, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. They interacted with the audience regarding ways to intervene in challenging situations with realistic options. They informed the 932nd AW Airmen of the four steps a bystander can take when an issue arises – recognizing the warning signs; understanding the barriers to intervening; intervening by directing, delegating or distracting; and strengthening the protective factors associated with sexual assault. (U.S. Air Force photo by Lt. Col. Stan Paregien)

PHOTO BY: Paregien
VIRIN: 170604-F-IR989-171.JPG
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