"Bugman of the 932nd Airlift Wing"

Last drill, Master Sgt. Harold Vonde Bur pointed to a small stick in his chaplain's assistant office. It looked like a leaf on the stick, but was actually a rare Anise Swallowtail (butterfly in-waiting.) He and his wife, Linda, came across the insect in their backyard near Racine, Wisconsin earlier this summer. Sergeant Von de Bur credits his wife for actually spotting the rare caterpillar. “She’s knows a lot about insects and botany,” The Anise Swallowtail is native to western North America. How the caterpillar ended up in the Von de Bur’s backyard is a mystery. He has kept the caterpillar in a glass container for nearly three months and looks forward to watching the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. “You never know what will move into your backyard,” he smiled.

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 071120-F-1348P-021.JPG
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