ID card updates

  • Published
  • By 375th Force Support Squadron

DEERS policy has granted an extension DoD wide to honor all expired Retired/Dependent ID’s that have expired as of Jan 1, 2020 through 30 June 2021 (expired cards prior to Jan 1, 2020 must be processed new). New Dependent/Retiree ID Cards will only be scheduled under these circumstances:

Dependents: When the sponsor’s status has changed (ie: AD/ANG/AFRES retirement, Commissioning…etc.).

Full-time college students age 21 or 23 need to schedule a DEERS update with information from the college of their full-time enrollment (only a DEERS update is required – the card can be expired – we DO generate first time cards). Finally, those members age 23 applying for TRICARE young adult (coverage must be paid for prior to generating an ID card). 

Retirees: Sponsor’s (and their dependents) turning age 65 (may need MEDICARE updated if the feed from SSA fails). When MEDICARE information is updated in DEERS, TRICARE will accept the claims regardless of the expiration date on the card. TRICARE coverage will remain intact as it is not associated with ID card expiration dates. THERE SHOULD BE NO LAPSE IN COVERAGE OR BENEFITS!

For more information regarding ID Cards and all MPF functions – please visit

For all CAC and USID related questions – please visit – Red COVID-19 banner