September 19-20 is "hybrid" UTA

  • Published
  • 932nd Airlift Wing


The September Unit Training Assembly (UTA) will be a "hybrid" UTA which includes telework.

Hybrid UTA is defined as telework/virtual UTA for 932nd Airlift Wing Airmen except for individuals providing mission essential services or accomplishing readiness required events, as defined and directed by their supervisor or commander.  Airmen who have not been directed to attend the UTA by their supervisor or commander will participate in a telework/virtual status only.  All attending the UTA in-person will review/answer the questions below and immediately notify their supervisor prior to reporting for duty if they answer “yes” to any question.

This real-time risk management assessment must be accomplished prior to any 932nd Airlift Wing member before reporting for in-person duty in any status to include UTA’s during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Before departing for a UTA or reporting in any status, please ask yourself the following questions:

Question 1:

In the past 14 days, have you travelled to or from an affected geographic area defined as CDC Travel Health Level 2 or 3 (aircrew that have transited affected areas with limited exposure to the local population should respond “No”)?

  • YES: Proceed to the next question
  • NO: Proceed to the next question.

Question 2:

In the past 14 days, have you been in close contact (within 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes) with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

  • YES: Proceed to the next question
  • NO: Proceed to the next question.

Question 3:

In the past 14 days, have you been in close contact with a person who exhibited a fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath?

  • YES: Proceed to the next question
  • NO: Proceed to the next question.

Question 4:

Do you currently have fever (defined as temperature ≥100.4 ◦F) or symptoms of new onset cough/shortness of breath (respiratory infection)??

  • YES: Proceed to the next question
  • NO: Proceed to the next question.

Question 5: Do you currently have a COVID-19 test pending result?

  • YES:
  • NO:

If you answer “YES” to any of the above questions, do NOT report to work and immediately contact your supervisor.  Supervisors will work with their Unit Health Monitors (UHM’s) and contact 932 AMDS for further guidance.  Airmen may additionally be asked these questions and temperature checked when reporting for duty before being allowed to proceed to work stations. 

IAW OSHA and CDC recommendations, face coverings will be worn in 932 AW facilities at all times when not able to maintain six feet of physical distancing from person to person.  Airmen should bring a mask with them when reporting for duty in case they are not available at their work centers.