Walk this way...

The sun reflected brightly off the newly painted Air Force Reserve Command aircraft belonging to the 932nd Airlift Wing. Maintanence guided the newest C-40C plane to the spot outside base operations. The C-40 plane has a paint design similar to Air Force One. General C40 Characteristics Primary Function: High-priority personnel transport Power Plant: Two GE CFM 56-7B27 turbofan engines Thrust: 27,000 pounds static thrust each engine Length: 110 feet, 4 inches (33.6 meters) Height: 41 feet, 2 inches (12.5 meters) Maximum Takeoff Weight: 171,000 pounds Wingspan: 117 feet, 5 inches (35.8 meters) Speed: 530 mph (Mach 0.8) Ceiling: 41,000 feet (12,727 meters) Fuel Capability: 60,000 lbs Maximum Range: 4,500 to 5,000 nautical miles (based on payload) unrefueled range Maximum Load: C-40C: 42 passengers Crew:10 (varies with model and mission) As part of the Air Force Total Force Integration initiatives, the Air Force established an active associate unit with Air Force Reserve Command's 932nd Airlift Wing at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., earlier this year. This means some of the flight attendants and pilots on the 932nd AW's aircraft will be active duty Air Force members from the 375th Operations Group. Col. Maryanne Miller, 932nd AW commander is proud of Airmen, both active duty and reserve. "This was a total effort by the 932nd and the 375th crews from the beginning," she said. "Being fully integrated in the DV mission has been and will continue to be the most effective way to provide full support to the customer." From 1969 to 2003, personnel from the 932nd and 375th airlift wings worked side by side performing aeromedical evacuation missions aboard the now retired C-9A Nightingale. When the 932nd changed its mission to DV airlift in 2003 with three new C-9C aircraft, the close relationship between the two wings was put on hold. With the C-40C, Air Force Reserve and active duty crews will once again work together performing

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 071120-F-1348P-012.JPG
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