SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Today we spotlight Master Sgt. Lawrence Batz, 932nd Airlift Wing, 73rd Airlift Squadron, Non-Commissioned officer in charge of the Commander’s standardization and evaluation program
932AW: In just a few words what is an NCO?
LB: The NCO is the back-bone of the armed forces. We are instructors, role models and advisors to leadership.
932AW: In your words, what are some responsibilities of an NCO?
LB: We are the technical experts. We must continue to sharpen those skills. As an NCO we should be challenging ourselves to become better supervisors and leaders. We should be finding opportunities, whether through additional duties or PME, to further develop ourselves. The next generation of Airmen are working alongside us, and we should take pride in setting an example. Be a mentor. Being a mentor is not talking to/at Airmen, but listening to what their wants and needs are. It’s not a one size fits all approach. Staying engaged with our people is critical to mentorship and active supervision. Develop your people!
932AW: What do you think it takes to become an NCO?
LB: Technical competence, can-do attitude, and PME. Never let “not having” your PME hold you up. With in-residence and correspondence options, there are opportunities to finish on your terms.
932AW: What advice would you offer Airman?
LB: Be highly skilled in your profession. Be the “go-to” subject matter expert in your shop. Find a mentor. Don’t be afraid to receive constructive criticism and take your Airman Comprehensive Assessment serious. Accomplish your PME. If you have a new or innovative way to do the job, that improves a process in your work center, share with your supervisor. Now is the time to be INNOVATIVE!
932AW: Do you have a mentor or anyone that helped you in career to becoming an NCO?
LB: Yes, many mentors that set the example for me. Even if you don’t see yourself as a mentor; someone may look up to you for your attitude, skill competence or military bearing. As an NCO people WILL look up to you!
Thank you Master Sgt. Batz for sharing your knowledge and experience with us!