SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- September 11, Patriot Day, will never be forgotten. We celebrate the lives that were lost on that tragic day, recall our own stories and join together as a nation in healing and remembrance.
Staff Sgt. Ryan James, 932nd Mission Support Group commander’s support staff, shares his story from September 11th and how it changed his life, and how he supported his active duty spouse with organizing Team Scott’s 9/11 Memorial Ceremony and Reveille.
“I remember I was in fifth grade, 10 years old, and I had stayed home from school that day (sick) and was watching the news with my parents when the first plane hit. I remember the commentary talking about how it was such a horrible and tragic accident. I remember as we were watching the live news we saw the second plane hit live on TV. The narrative instantly changed from an accident to we were under attack. At 10 years old I didn’t know how to process what had happened but years later as I became a member of the law enforcement community, there is such an emphasis on counter terrorism training, preparation and reaction. All of which are directly correlated to the 9/11 terrorist attack," said James.
"My wife, 2nd Lt. Kellie James, volunteered to head this year’s Patriot Day, and knowing I have a lot of contacts as a police officer, she asked if I could help find a guest speaker. I also suggested we involve the pipes and drums in the ceremony because they are a part of every law enforcement and firefighter memorial ceremony when a police officer or fireman is killed. I felt it was relevant to the ceremony here as 60 police officers and 343 fireman payed the ultimate sacrifice responding to the attack," said James.